Job 21:18

“They are as stubble before the wind, and as chaff that the storm carrieth away.”

King James Version (KJV)

Other Translations

They are as stubble before the winde, and as chaffe that the storme carieth away.
- King James Version (1611) - View 1611 Bible Scan

"Are they as straw before the wind, And like chaff which the storm carries away?
- New American Standard Version (1995)

That they are as stubble before the wind, And as chaff that the storm carrieth away?
- American Standard Version (1901)

How frequently are they as dry stems before the wind, or as grass taken away by the storm-wind?
- Basic English Bible

Do they become as stubble before the wind, and as chaff that the storm carrieth away?
- Darby Bible

They are as stubble before the wind, and as chaff that the storm carrieth away.
- Webster's Bible

How often is it that they are as stubble before the wind, as chaff that the storm carries away?
- World English Bible

They are as straw before wind, And as chaff a hurricane hath stolen away,
- Youngs Literal Bible

That they are as stubble before the wind, and as chaff that the storm stealeth away?
- Jewish Publication Society Bible

Bible commentary

Wesley's Notes for Job 21:18

21:16 Lo - But wicked men have no reason to reject God, because of their prosperity, for their wealth, is not in their hand; neither obtained, nor kept by their own might, but only by God's power and favour. Therefore I am far from approving their opinion, or following their course.

21:17 Often - I grant that this happens often though not constantly, as you affirm. Lamp - Their glory and outward happiness.

21:19 Layeth up - In his treasures, #Rom 2:5|. Iniquity - The punishment of his iniquity; he will punish him both in his person and in his posterity.

21:20 See - He shall be destroyed; as to see death, is to die.

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