Genesis Chapter 26 Comments ...

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Mariam balogun abidemi tokunbo's comment on 11/29/2012, 9:48am...

God’s presence gives prosperity as can be seen in the life of Joseph. It is easier to prosper when God's presence goes with us.


Timothy Wayne George's comment on 4/26/2012, 12:47pm...

We see the sins of the fathers are given to the children, but God will have mercy on all those who keep his commandments. Isaac allows fear to cause him to sin, and we must remember that God has not given us the spirit of fear. We have been given power, love, and a sound mind. Faith is our victory over this world. So we must walk in faith, and victory, and we will overcome all that the devil sends our way.


Cyril Hadzi's comment on 11/15/2011, 6:31am...

It is important to note that as far as God is with us and has promised to bless us we need to follow Him and trust Him to bless us. We realise from the life of Abraham and Isaac that they had weaknesses but that didn't stop God from blessing them anyway for His own name sake. Be encouraged! Just trust! Don't give up on God


RALPH M.W ATERS's comment on 1/03/2011, 4:31pm...

I know we are to trust and obey - But, once again ABRAHAM AND ISACC who have heard the ANGEL of the LORD - SEEN HIS miracles, STILL are showing FEAR - After receiving promises from GOD.

Point is: Its understandable if we fear, but we must walk by FAITH and NOT BY SIGHT - We must Trust and Obey GOD's WORD - You / We might have FEAR, but know - GREATER MEN THEN YOU HAVE BEEN AFRAID.


RALPH M.W ATERS's comment on 1/03/2011, 4:30pm...

I know we are to trust and obey - But, once again ABRAHAM AND ISACC who have heard the ANGEL of the LORD - SEEN HIS miracles, STILL are showing FEAR - After receiving promises from GOD.

Point is: Its understandable if we fear, but we must walk by FAITH and NOT BY SIGHT - We must Trust and Obey GOD's WORD - You / We might have FEAR, but know - GREATER MEN THEN YOU HAVE BEEN AFRAID.



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