Add the Bible to Your Website

Add the King James Bible (KJV) to your own website, such as a church site, religious organization site, or more, by simply placing the code of one of these free 'widgets' on your website. It works for all websites, whether it's a WordPress blog, a CMS, or custom HTML. Just send this page of instructions to your webmaster or web designer to make the Bible accessible on your site.

Important note: The code below will only work if entered into HTML mode, and not as 'Visual mode' or normal text. If entered as normal text into WordPress or a CMS, it would only display the 'text' of the code and not actually run the code. To run the code, it has to be entered as HTML. To do that in WordPress, you may follow instructions at the bottom of this page on how to do that, or send the URL of this page to your webmaster for help.


1. Popular Bible Verse Widget

Place this on your site to display the most popular verses in the Bible. These inspiring, thought-provoking, and nurturing verses will randomly cycle through display one at a time among the most popular 200+ verses in the Bible. See all of the popular Bible verses. To change the size, simply modify the width and height values in the code. For example, if you wish to place in the sidebar of WordPress, you may want the width to be 200px. (Advanced: if you want an unstyled/uncolored version of the script, you can edit the URL to instead load: popular-bible-verses-widget-nostyle.php)


Copy the RED CODE below and paste into the HTML of your web page:


2. Bible Search Widget

Below is the Bible search widget. To add it to your website, simply copy the red code below and paste somewhere in the html of your web page. The pixel size is 205 x 205 and works great in the sidebar of wordpress for example. The code is short, clean, and very lightweight. It opens up a new browser, so your web page will remain.


Copy the RED CODE below and paste into the HTML of your web page.

Note: If you wish to customize the colors and style of the search to match your site, you are welcome to use the actual HTML code, place it in the html of your web page, and customize it to your liking. View the HTML CODE HERE.


3. Inspirational Image of the Day Widget

This code will display a new inspirational Bible verse image every day. To add it to your website, simply copy the red code below and paste somewhere in the html of your web page. The size is 344px wide and 344px tall.



WordPress Users:

If you want to include this into a WordPress 'post', you must first change your post from Visual to HTML mode. However, it is recommended instead to add the code as a 'widget' instead of into a 'post'. (The inspirational image widget is likely too wide to be used in a sidebar of WordPress, but it could be used in the body or header of your custom page).

To paste a widget into a WordPress blog (only if you have it self-hosted- it may not work on

  1. Login to your admin area, click 'Appearance' on the left, then click 'Widgets'
  2. In the available widgets area, drag a Text (Arbitrary text or html) widget to the top-right where your Primary Widget Area. In the large text area of the widget, copy and paste in the red code from this page (above). Click Save, and that's it!

Hint: you can adjust the 'height' or 'width' numbers in the code so the text will fit your site layout. See a live example in use (shown at the top-right of page): KJV Bible

Add Bible to WordpressPlace Bible in Wordpress step 1

Add Bible to Wordpress
Place Bible in Wordpress step 2


You may also to link directly to any page of this website. Click HERE for link code examples.