Genesis Chapter 24 Comments ...

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Osaki's comment about verse 12 on 8/20/2013, 4:54am...

This verse encourage me so mush and give me hope to have success in finding my wife.


B J Manuel's comment about verse 3 on 4/03/2013, 2:09am...

Harmony in families often relies upon the parents sharing the same belief system. In fact, children are even blessed when their parents share the same faith and obedience to God in Christ throughout their lives. Also, obedience to parents transferred as obedience to God and with this practice came the blessing of long life and living generally well. There exists also this warning to those contemplating marriage and/or other contractual agreements with unbelievers: "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers; for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?"(1Corinthians 6:14)(Read also verses 15 through 18 of the same chapter.) To those who love God there is no grief here, but rather joy in doing God's pleasure.


Shingie's comment about verse 63 on 12/13/2012, 12:40pm...

Every successful man in the bible took time to meditate on the word of God, Psalms 1, Philippians 4:8, Joshua 1:8.


Jack's comment on 6/14/2012, 3:03pm...

@KP this is not weird its the will of te lord that his people's purity be preserved till JesusChrist was born.


Jo-Marie's comment on 6/09/2012, 12:08pm...

Abraham's faith was established in God, Abraham was so confident that God will provide a wife to his son Isaac. He knew God's loving-kindness and faithful, that God is not a man and does not lie BUT God keeps his promises for generations. It is interesting to see that Isaac and Rebekah were brought together spiritually, before any physical attraction or contact. They did not look for spouses by themself but God did, nor they use media means to find a spouse (internet etc...) They were both doing what they were called to do in God's eyes, see verses16-20 and 63. This shows that a covenant of marriage must be always based on the spiritual first, and physical attraction should come after. When we trust God, He always provides for all our needs, even the most intimate needs (Phil4:6-7 and 19).


Miriam's comment on 5/23/2012, 7:57am...

all good things come from God including a good husband just pray to God and ask for a sign to be sure that what you have asked for truly comes from God do the praying and asking of sign in your heart to be sure that it is only you and God that share that information. follow your prayer and wait for it to come out exactly because there is nothing that God cannot do then continue trusting and consulting God in every thing that will follow and you will live happily there after.


Kp's comment on 10/04/2011, 2:36am...

Never notice this but Jacob was also his mom 2nd cousin. They both had the same great grandfaher. Jacob actully came through all of terah kids line. He was abrham grandson, nahor greatgrandson and haran grat great grandson. terah was jacon great grandfather, 2x great grandfather and 3x great grandfather.
Rebekha was Issack 1st cousin once removed. Note his father im law also had the same grandfather as issack. His grandfather in law was also his uncle Nahor. Werid how they marry in the family like that. Even his two kids married thier cousins. Eaus married one of his dad brother daughters and Jacob married two of his mom brother daughters. Jacob would have been some of his kids 1st cousin once removed since two of his wives were his cousins. Thought it was intersting.


Reggie's comment on 8/02/2011, 8:55am...

I agree with Jane. What a love story! What a beautiful picture of the servant ( the Holy Ghost)drawing the bride Rebekah (the Church, the Bride of Christ) to the Son Issac ( the Son of God Jesus) to be united in marriage and eternal love!! Note in vs.60 - The blessing on Rebekah - she would be the mother of thousands of millions and her seed would possess the gate of them which hate them!! Jesus said," I will build my church and the gates of hell would not prevail against it."Mt.16:18 Praise the Lord! What glorious love!!


Jane Obina's comment on 4/01/2011, 7:52am...

This is my most favorite love story in the Bible, it inspired me to wait for God's will in my life..just like Rebekah who waited for Isaac. It's so amazing to found a one true love. I praise & thank the Lord I wed the man God has prepared for me on Jan 7, 2011. Now, I'm 7 weeks pregnant of our first baby.To God be the glory!


RALPH M. WATERS's comment on 1/03/2011, 4:11pm...

AN OATH - Was a special thing. People swore and new the meaning - That GOD was their witness.

These days, - People do not realize what is coming out of their mouths.
"By their words they will be justified and by their words they will be condemned".



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