Bible Verses Like Judges 14:17

“And she wept before him the seven days, while their feast lasted: and it came to pass on the seventh day, that he told her, because she lay sore upon him: and she told the riddle to the children of her people.”


Bible verses related to Judges 14:17 (similar cross-references)

Judges 16:16 - And it came to pass, when she pressed him daily with her words, and urged him, so that his soul was vexed unto death;   (Verses like Judges 16:16)

Genesis 3:6 - And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.   (Verses like Genesis 3:6)

Judges 16:6 - And Delilah said to Samson, Tell me, I pray thee, wherein thy great strength lieth, and wherewith thou mightest be bound to afflict thee.   (Verses like Judges 16:6)

Judges 16:13 - And Delilah said unto Samson, Hitherto thou hast mocked me, and told me lies: tell me wherewith thou mightest be bound. And he said unto her, If thou weavest the seven locks of my head with the web.   (Verses like Judges 16:13)

Job 2:9 - Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die.   (Verses like Job 2:9)

Proverbs 2:16-17 - To deliver thee from the strange woman, even from the stranger which flattereth with her words;Which forsaketh the guide of her youth, and forgetteth the covenant of her God.   (Verses like Proverbs 2:16)

Proverbs 7:21 - With her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him.   (Verses like Proverbs 7:21)

Luke 11:8 - I say unto you, Though he will not rise and give him, because he is his friend, yet because of his importunity he will rise and give him as many as he needeth.   (Verses like Luke 11:8)

Luke 18:4-5 - And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man;Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me.   (Verses like Luke 18:4)