Matthew 21:1

“And when they drewe nigh vnto Hierusalem, and were come to Bethphage, vnto the mount of Oliues, then sent Iesus two Disciples,”

1611 King James Version (KJV)

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Other Translations

And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and were come to Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives, then sent Jesus two disciples,
- King James Version

When they had approached Jerusalem and had come to Bethphage, at the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples,
- New American Standard Version (1995)

And when they drew nigh unto Jerusalem, and came unto Bethphage, unto the mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples,
- American Standard Version (1901)

And when they were near Jerusalem, and had come to Beth-phage, to the Mountain of Olives, Jesus sent two disciples,
- Basic English Bible

And when they drew near to Jerusalem and came to Bethphage, at the mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples,
- Darby Bible

And when they drew nigh to Jerusalem, and had come to Bethphage, to the mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples,
- Webster's Bible

When they were come near Jerusalem and had arrived at Bethphage and the Mount of Olives, Jesus sent two of the disciples on in front,
- Weymouth Bible

When they drew near to Jerusalem, and came to Bethsphage, to the Mount of Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples,
- World English Bible

And whanne Jhesus cam nyy to Jerusalem, and cam to Bethfage, at the mount of Olyuete, thanne sente he his twei disciplis, and seide to hem,
- Wycliffe Bible

And when they came nigh to Jerusalem, and came to Bethphage, unto the mount of the Olives, then Jesus sent two disciples,
- Youngs Literal Bible

Bible commentary

Wesley's Notes for Matthew 21:1

21:1 #Mark 11:1|; Luke 19:29; John 12:12.

People's Bible Notes for Matthew 21:1

Mt 21:1 Christ Entering Jerusalem SUMMARY OF MATTHEW 21: The Lord Leaves Bethany to Enter Jerusalem. The Charge to the Two Disciples. The Fulfillment of Prophecy. The Great Multitude Who Prepare the Way. Hosanna to the Son of David. Jesus Enters the Temple. The Money-Changers Cast Out. The Barren Fig Tree. The Controversy with the Rulers. John's Baptism. The Parable of the Two Sons. The Parable of the Vineyard and the Husbandmen. The Stone That the Builders Rejected. When they drew nigh unto Jerusalem. Jesus passed through Jericho, where be bestowed sight on Bartimaeus and salvation on Zaccheus, came up the mountain pass from Jericho to Jerusalem, stopping over the Sabbath in the congenial home of Martha, Mary and Lazarus, in Bethany, and so on Sunday morning made his entry into Jerusalem. Compare Mr 11:1-11 Lu 19:29-44 Joh 12:12-19. As they drew nigh to Jerusalem they ascended the Mount of Olives. There were three paths over the Mount of Olives: (1) on the north, in the hollow between the two crests of the hill; (2) over the summit; and (3) on the south, between the Mount of Olives and the Hill of Offence--still the most frequented and the best. Along this Jesus advanced. To Bethphage. Bethphage and Bethany were suburban villages near to one another, and lying on the direct line of road that led to Jerusalem from the east. Mount of Olives. A hill just east of Jerusalem, so called from the olive trees upon it. It was about a mile from the city. It was their open ground--for pleasure, for worship; the "Park" of Jerusalem; the thoroughfare of any going or coming in the direction of the great Jordan valley.

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